Gyermekrák Alapítvány Közhasznú Szervezet

Attila’s letter

Dear Readers,

I am deeply outraged about the news published in the media whereby people are trying to cast a false light on the Children Cancer Foundation.

I would like to share a few thoughts in relation to the above:

The person, who uploaded the video about the Children Cancer Foundation’s ambulance to the internet, please come forward and join us at the press conference!

When I was diagnosed for my illness we were running left right and centre to collect as much useful information and ask for help as many as possible. We have tried to contact a series of foundations; most of them wouldn’t even bother to answer us.

Out of all the foundations only two supported me. One of them is the Children Cancer Foundation and the other one is located in the town of Nyíregyháza.

The Foundation immediately helped me to find a physician, and which was even more important that we received emotional support in the frame of the discussions led with the Foundation. Later on they started to support me in the frame of cash and another support in kind (diet supplement products, which I received free of charge).

My hospital treatment took 1.5 years, during this treatment and even since I have been fully supported by the Foundation. After the chemotherapy I had to go through bone-marrow transplant and therefore I had to use a sterile room with its own bathroom. The Foundation also helped me financially in this and I was also given an air-purifying machine, which we have returned after my recovery so that they can give it to someone else who also needs it.

Furthermore I was transported with the children ambulance. Later on they also took us, children who recovered from cancer and children still suffering from cancer to the Onco-Olympic Games. We brought gold… bronze…. and silver medals from Warsaw. I won gold in table-tennis. 

Before anyone would like to make his/her opinion on the Foundation, please ask yourself this question:

What would I do I my child was suffering from cancer? Let me answer: possibly even the smallest help would be great.

Where was the media and the people (those who are speaking out now so loudly) when the Onco-team arrived home with the medals won? At the airport only our family members were waiting for us.

Let me tell you something else. In my village, where I was born my picture was hang up in the street because they were collecting plastic caps for us.

In the neighbouring town another foundation used my photograph and was asking for money from the people. Apparently it was an animal rescue place.

That’s it for honesty and integrity!


Finally everyone should put something on the table, live and work in a way that it is serving the benefit of its fellow people, and after that anyone can criticise the others when he/she proved first to others. 


Budapest, 27th January 2014


Attila T.  

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